This Boy's Life Part 4, Chapter 8 Summary

  • Jack has almost 80 dollars hidden away by the time he starts high school. He plans to use it to run away to Alaska when his Scout group goes to a big jamboree in Seattle.
  • He tells Arthur, who asks to come with him. Jack says no at first, then changes his mind. He makes a big show out of doing Arthur a favor, but really, it's because he's scared to be alone.
  • Jack talks about Arthur's family: his dad who likes to make corny jokes and his mom who's quite the Snooty Patooty.
  • One night, while sleeping over at Arthur's house, the boys kiss. After that, they get snarky and mean whenever they start feeling too close. They'd stay away from each other for a few days, then pretend like nothing has happened.
  • At the jamboree, Jack stays away from Arthur, who isn't a very good Scout.
  • Jack participates in a swimming competition, and expects to win. He doesn't. It bothers him.
  • Another Scout troop, Ballard, shows up all spit and polish and clearly wins the competition. But they're disqualified because they wear non-regulation uniforms.
  • Afterwards, Jack meets up with three of the guys from Ballard. He's a pretty smooth operator and is soon in cahoots with them.
  • They smoke and brag about their sexual prowess and pass around tall tales like the Hook.
  • Later, they meet at a carnival in the nearby town of Glenvale, and ride the rides. Arthur shows up and asks Jack if he wants to leave with him. Jack blows him off.
  • Jack gets conned at a game of chance called Blackout: losing all his 80 dollars and getting only a stuffed animal in return.
  • The day ends, and Jack convinces Arthur—who he's ignored all day—to ride home with him and Dwight. Apparently, Jack doesn't want to die alone if Dwight—drunk again—finally plows them into a telephone pole.
  • Arthur reluctantly agrees and Jack gives him the stuffed animal out of gratitude. Arthur uses it to quietly get under Dwight's nerves.