This Boy's Life The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"'That's a real coincidence because I was thinking about Phoenix myself. I even got the Phoenix paper. They have lots of opportunities there. Seattle too. What do you think about Seattle?'" (4.21)

Phoenix? Seattle? Hey, let's just throw darts at a map! Mom literally doesn't know where she wants to go. So how can they feel like they have a home?

Quote #2

"'Is he coming too?' 'Not if I can help it, he isn't.'" (4.24-25)

This is the day after Roy talked about having a kid with her. So there's a wee bit of instability in their lives.

Quote #3

"Mrs. Taylor had filled the house with pictures of him." (5.6)

"Him" is Mrs. Taylor's husband who disappeared during the war. Jack wants a home, but here he's telling us that homes can be really sad and depressing places full of ghosts and bad memories. Pretty tough nut to crack.