This Boy's Life Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary

  • Toby tells us that he has his own dreams for transformation in Utah. He wants to change his name to Jack, like Jack London, who he views as independent and manly.
  • Mom is not down with this plan, but he slowly wins her over… mostly because his dad back in Connecticut doesn't like it either. She agrees only on the condition that he become a Catholic.
  • Dad claims that his name, Toby, is a family tradition, and he doesn't like Toby becoming Catholic because his family have always been Episcopalians. Both of them are lies: his family is actually Jewish.
  • Toby goes to cachetism once a week under the tutelage of Sister James, who expresses uncomfortable levels of enthusiasm.
  • She makes the boys take one of the clubs she forms, the better to protect them from Horrible Awful Mormons. Toby—now called Jack—joins the Archery Club.
  • He and his friends shoot arrows at cats (though they don't hit any of them). When the cats catch on to their reindeer games, the boys start shooting at each other.
  • Sister James catches Jack at it one day, and delivers a shame bomb as only a nun can.
  • Jack is filled with feelings of worthlessness, and more importantly, the sense that everyone Can See What He Did.
  • He wanders the neighborhood fitfully, taking advantage of Mormon hospitality and getting to know the local dogs.
  • When he feels lonely, he goes home to Roy, his mother's abusive boyfriend who tracked them to Utah.
  • Roy follows Jack's mother home from work every day and takes Jack with him sometimes. One day, mom doesn't leave work. They find her at home, making dinner.
  • Roy accuses her of having any affair. (This after saying that he and Jack were out "tomcatting." Stay classy Roy.) That night, Jack lies in bed listening to them argue and his mother explaining that she went out shopping.
  • Jack goes to confession in preparation for his baptism. He's really nervous about it, but Sister James talks to him about it. He senses her kindness and wanting to help.
  • She tells him about all the bad thoughts she had growing up, and how letting go of them helped her. He fakes understanding, then gives the Father in the confession booth a regurgitated version of Sister James' sins. Everyone buys it.