This Boy's Life Part 6, Chapter 2 Summary

  • Chuck, Huff and Psycho have sex with an underage girl named Tina Flood and she ends up pregnant. Statutory rape charges for all.
  • Tina says she doesn't want to charge anyone with anything. She just wants Chuck to marry her. Ultimatum time for Chuck. Everyone wants him to marry her—especially Huff and Psycho, who will go to jail if he doesn't—except Jack, who urges him to stand strong.
  • He does so… and gets arrested.
  • In the middle of it all, Mr. Howard calls and tells Jack that he got a scholarship to Hill. Jack is thrilled. Mom is thrilled. Everyone is thrilled.
  • Jack obsesses over his acceptance letter and goes to Seattle for his school uniform.
  • Jack's mom gets a job with a Seattle insurance company, and Jack's dad invites him down to California for the summer.
  • Jack's mom tells him that Dwight spent all their money, but he's not so concerned because his mom seems to be doing much better.
  • Chuck has good news of his own: Huff is going to marry Tina, getting him off the hook.