This Boy's Life Part 2, Chapter 5 Summary

  • Jack brags to his friends about killing a turkey with the Winchester. Terry Silver calls him out on it, and Jack scrawls a dirty word in the bathroom with a comb. (We're gonna be coy about the word. It begins with the letter "f.") Two "weed fiends" see him doing it.
  • The vice principal goes from classroom to classroom, demanding to know who did it. This is a new vice principal and he means it.
  • Jack gets sick with fear, and goes to the nurse's office.
  • The weed fiends apparently ratted Jack out, and the principal drags Jack into the office by his ear.
  • Mom comes to defend Jack and insists he did no wrong. The whole mess goes to the principal, who is a bit of a wimp. He wants to suspend Jack, but Jack's mom talks him down to nothing. Consequences: avoided!
  • When they get home, Marian insists that Jack be punished. Mom, again, refuses.
  • That weekend, Dwight arrives with a magical gift: a marriage proposal. Mom isn't sure, but agrees because she thinks Jack needs a role model. Jack reluctantly agrees.