This Boy's Life Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I was caught up in my mother's freedom, her delight in her freedom, her dream of transformation." (1.7)

Jack's trying to change into his mother and her habit of periodically pulling up stakes and changing everything about their lives. When you move every six months, it gets easy to tell stories about who and what you are.

Quote #2

"I didn't come to Utah to be the same boy I'd been before. I had my own dreams of transformation…" (2.1)

And just so we're clear, Jack wants us to know that he's interested in changing himself; it's not just Mom pushing her agenda on him.

Quote #3

"She feared we would spend our time with friends from the public schools we attended and possibly end up as Mormons" (2.7)

Grown-ups in the book are definitely interested in transforming Jack. Dwight wants him to be a "man," Mom wants him to be a good boy, Sister James wants him to be a good Catholic (or at least a non-Mormon), etc. It could be that Jack's need to transform is a necessary way of determining who he is by himself, rather than letting others transform him.