Touching Spirit Bear Cole Matthews Quotes

Cole Matthews

Quote 10

"Peter needs to soak in the pond and carry the ancestor rock. He needs to learn how to be invisible and to dance and to carve his totem. He needs to see the Spirit Bear." (25.5)

Being on the island and engaging in all of these spiritual activities has helped Cole so much that he wants the same thing for Peter. Even though he knows Peter doesn't want anything to do with him, Cole still wants to help him.

Cole Matthews

Quote 11

Each time he got in trouble, he was warned to shape up because this was his last chance. Even the day he left for the island, several of those who gathered to see him off, including his parents, had warned him, "Don't screw up. This is your last chance." Cole braced himself for the next big wave. Whatever happened, he could always count on having one more last chance. (1.16)

Cole has no incentive to actually change for the better because he's always gotten away with his bad behavior in the past. Sure, he's received a slap on the wrist…but he's never gone to jail forever.

Cole Matthews

Quote 12

"I started making a canoe, but I knew that was wrong, so I cut this deep groove so I couldn't try again. When I started carving the eagle, I finally slept good." Cole ended by telling about the eagle dance and what he had learned. "Are you mad at me?" he asked. (21.37)

Even though Cole was tempted to run away, he's still changed considerably, especially since he's willing to tell the truth and admit his mistakes to Edwin. He's not trying to cover up his bad parts anymore.