Toy Story Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Toy Story.

Quote #4

BUZZ: Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog. Let me show you something. It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture. Your Chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me.

REX: With permanent ink, too!

Buzz has been accepted into the community by both other toys and by Andy. This little scene just serves to make Woody even angrier. Why is Buzz trying to cut in on the group of toys he clearly leads?

Quote #5

SARGE: There he is, men! Frag him!

MR. POTATO HEAD: Let's string him up by his pull string!

BO PEEP: Will you boys stop it?

HAMM: Tackle him!

Things have changed in this toy community. Woody was once at the top of the toy pile and now he's being attacked by the other toys who think he's a danger to everyone else. Oh, how the mighty toy has fallen.

Quote #6

WOODY: How am I gonna convince those guys it was an accident? Buzz! Buzz! You're alive! This is great! I'm saved! Andy will find you here, he'll take us back to the room, and then you can tell everyone that this was all this all just a big mistake. Huh? Right? Buddy?

BUZZ: I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.

WOODY: Oh. Well, that's good.

BUZZ: But we're not on my planet, are we?

Woody wants back into Andy's room, but he knows he's not going get there without the buy-in from all the other toys. No one believes that he wasn't jealous enough to push Buzz out the window, so he needs bring Buzz home safe and sound. Buzz isn't cooperating, but Woody can't reclaim his little community without him.