Belle Prater's Boy Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"The sin eater wuz always shunned and scorned by the town folks, 'cause I had all them sins inside me I had et, see? There weren't no more miserble person living than I wuz then. What got to bearing on my mind wuz who would eat poor Blind Benny's sins when he passed on?

"Why nobody would, that's who! No matter how down and out a body might be, he wouldn't take the chance on eating the sin eater's sins. Which meant I would have to pass on when my time come with all them sins in me, and nobody to eat them for me." (21.35-36)

You have to feel sorry for Blind Benny due to all the injustice he's faced in his life. Just because of his disability, people have basically abandoned him to living a life where he's doomed because of all their sins—and no one loves him enough to step in and save him from this fate.