Belle Prater's Boy Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"How can money make you good-looking?" I said.

"You never heard of operations people get on their faces?" he said. "It costs lots of money. That's why all the movie stars look so good. Did you ever see an ugly movie star? No, you didn't. They have money. And I bet if the truth was known, a bunch of 'em were borned uglier than a mud fence." (9.3-4)

According to Woodrow, plastic surgery can fix anything. He believes that you can do anything to your appearance as long as you have the money to pay for it. Then you don't have to be stuck with your looks at all.

Quote #8

I could see his face and the legendary sightless eyes that were almost not there. They were like two little holes in his face, about the size of dimes, and not eyes at all. It was an automatic reflex for me to shrink from anything so hideous. I almost gasped, but I clapped a hand over my mouth before the hateful sound could escape. (11.16)

Gypsy has to stop herself from reacting to Blind Benny's frightening appearance. It's difficult to not act based on a gut reaction to people, but Gypsy is starting to learn that you should look beyond appearances.

Quote #9

"It seems like anytime a person wants to hurt another person's feelings, he says nasty things about his looks," I said, exasperated. "What possible difference could it make how a person looks if he is a good person?"

"It shouldn't make no difference a'tall," Grandpa said. "But it does to most folks." (13.19-20)

Gypsy is frustrated by the fact that people judge each other based on their appearance, and her Grandpa agrees. It's a shame that people make fun of someone as nice and funny as Woodrow just because he happens to have crossed eyes.