Belle Prater's Boy Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She was plain, Gypsy, and that seemed to be the most important thing in the world to her—her looks. Oh, she wanted so much to be beautiful like Love.

"Your mama was—and still is—a natural beauty. She'd pop outa bed of a morning looking like the Camay soap girl. And Belle had to work hard at her looks, then still have not much to show for her efforts." (2.16-17)

Belle wasn't an ugly girl, but next to Love she stood no chance. Love was always such a natural beauty that she outshone Belle in every situation… much to her poor sister's dismay.

Quote #5

"Was Belle cross-eyed?" Clarence asked.

"Oh no," Raymond said. "I went to school with Belle and she wadn't no beauty like Love, but she wadn't cross-eyed either." (3.61-62)

Talk about rude, right? How do the men at the barbershop think it's okay to talk about Woodrow and his mama's looks right in front of him? Don't they have any tact or consideration for his feelings? Grrr…

Quote #6

"Well besides wanting Mama to come home safe and sound, I want my eyes to be straight," he said. "If my eyes were corrected, Gypsy, they would look just like yours."

My heart filled with pity for him, but I didn't say anything. (6.80-81)

If Woodrow could change one thing about himself, it would be his eyes. He doesn't want to be the handsomest dude in the world; he just wants to not have such a conspicuous physical difference.