Belle Prater's Boy Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"When she ran away with Everett Prater, she was feeling low… like she couldn't do any better—not that there's anything wrong with Everett. Nothing a'tall. But Belle didn't even know him. And she hadn't a clue what she was getting into, moving up in the shadow of those hills where the sun doesn't shine till noon." (13.45)

Belle ran away with Everett not because she was in love with him, but because she didn't know who she was anymore. She had hoped that by getting married and having a baby, she'd have a better sense of herself, but it only made things harder.

Quote #8

I was surprised and pleased. It was the first time Grandpa had ever mentioned my piano playing. And it reminded me that nobody ever bragged on me for anything except my looks. And they couldn't say enough about that. Yeah, I guess somebody might occasionally comment on the fact that I could tell a good joke, but how nice it would be to be admired, I thought, because I am interesting like Woodrow, or talented, or smart… anything but just pretty. (13.47)

It's nice getting compliments about good looks, but Gypsy is even more excited when her grandpa tells her that she's a good piano player. That's something she actually can be proud of since she's worked on it herself.

Quote #9

"Because… because… I don't want to be Love Ball Dotson's good little girl all the time!"

"Who do you want to be? Woodrow maybe?"

"No! Me! Just me! And nobody sees me!" (16.108-110)

Gypsy isn't even jealous of Woodrow because he gets away with stuff. She's jealous because everyone seems to see him for who he is but they all just see her as Love's pretty little daughter.