Fuse Chapter 16 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Spear)

  • Both Partridge and Lyda give themselves up, but it's not that easy. The Special Forces soldiers want the others.
  • One of the soldiers looks at Partridge with a tilt of the head; it's Hastings.
  • The rest of the gang climbs out of the tunnel, and the soldiers order them to be executed.
  • What!?!
  • Partridge gets a little bit angry and charges one of the soldiers. It's basically David vs. Goliath here, and Partridge gets pinned pretty easily.
  • They start a count-up (why not countdown?) to 3, and at 2, someone gets trigger-happy. A gunshot.
  • Boom. The soldier pinning Partridge slumps over dead.
  • A frenzy of bullets fly through the air — automatic weapons.
  • Meanwhile, Lyda is running away from a soldier. She stops suddenly, takes out a spear she made, and stabs him in the throat. Looks like all that training paid off.
  • Partridge starts to run, but is tackled again by a Special Forces soldier. Except this isn't just any soldier. It's Vic Wellingsly, a member of The Herd who hated Partridge.
  • Luckily, Hastings strikes him from behind and Partridge is able to escape. Hastings isn't too big of a soldier though, so that might not be a great battle for him.
  • The chapter ends with Lyda entering a roofless house.