Fuse Chapter 47 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Crazy John-Johns)

  • Right back into the action: Pressia gets nailed in the back.
  • Then her three vials fly out,
  • A Dust then reaches out for one of the vials and crushes it with his hand.
  • Oops, that Dust's hand is about to get pretty big now that we know what the stuff in the vials can do.
  • The Dust is about to crush Pressia, but El Capitan takes him out with one shot.
  • Meanwhile, Bradwell is stuck shooting Dusts while the ground is cracking below him. It's about to crumble, but Hastings swoops in and picks him up.
  • But unlucky for Hastings, the ground gives way.
  • One of Hastings' legs falls through the trap while the rest of his body stays above. His leg is stuck in the ground.
  • And since he's a Special Forces soldier, the only thing he's programmed to do is save himself.
  • That's when the programming gets really bad; he pulls himself out of the trap, but his leg is ripped off with it. Ouch.
  • The gang looks like they're pretty much done, but then music starts playing from a PA system.
  • Bullets (which turn out to be BB's) rip through the Dusts; the amusement park people must be helping.
  • Pressia runs to the amusement park's fence and sees a girl with gold, ragged hair: it's Fandra, her childhood friend.
  • It's a great reunion. Everyone is all smiles, and Fandra tells Bradwell that more people survived because of him and his underground passage. He's a part of "New History."
  • So this is all well and good, but how's Hastings doing? He's missing a leg…