Fuse Chapter 44 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Christmas Tree)

  • When Partridge wakes up, he's face-to-face with Julby Hollenback, a five-year-old girl.
  • The Hollenbacks are a family that Partridge used to stay with for Christmas vacation. The night before, Partridge knocked on Mr. Hollenback's door to turn himself in.
  • After some chitchat about Jarv, the youngest in the Hollenback family who was taken away due to bad behavior, Julby tells him that a girl is waiting for him in the kitchen.
  • Whoops, it's Iralene.
  • But it's okay, Iralene says that they're going to a party.
  • Ohhhhh noooo. Engagement party. Partridge's father is setting up Iralene and Partridge to be married.
  • The chapter ends with the Hollenback family going cuckoo for Coco-Puffs over the engagement, and Julby tearing down pictures from the walls. Nice family.