Fuse Chapter 45 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Lyda (Dwarf Deer)

  • As she's hunting in the woods with Mother Hestra, Lyda takes a shot at a chubby dwarf deer with her spear. Unfortunately, she hit it in the ribs… so now it's going to suffer.
  • Luckily, Mother Hestra is there for the kill shot.
  • Why did Lyda miss, even though she's been trained so well? She was thinking about Partridge. Oh boy.
  • But then she looks at the dead deer and realizes it was pregnant. She vomits.
  • Mother Hestra, the very wise overseer of Lyda now, knows why Lyda is feeling woozy. Lyda is pregnant too.
  • Whooooooooaaaaa.
  • Mother Hestra tells Lyda that she has to tell Our Good Mother and await her judgment. Oh Lyda, things aren't going to well for you right now.