Fuse Chapter 22 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Ghostly Girls)

  • Back to Pressia and Bradwell: they're still trudging along, trying to get to the medical outpost.
  • Pressia starts to sing that creepy Ghostly Girls song again because why not, right?
  • Coincidence: the river they are approaching is the same river the Ghostly Girls were rumored to have drowned in.
  • What's even worse is that they have to cross the river, because the beasts in the earth totally want to eat them right now. Plus, there's no bridge.
  • Remember, it's pretty much winter right now, so the water and wind are freezing.
  • Bradwell puts Pressia on his back because she can't swim, and they make their trek.
  • What's that? A hand? Pressia feels a hand grasp her ankle and she panics, pretty much drowning herself and Bradwell.
  • When all hope seems lost, she feels something push her to the surface. Is it Bradwell? Nope.
  • She thinks it was a Ghostly Girl.
  • Bradwell then picks her up and tries to carry her to safety because she's too cold to function. Unfortunately, so is Bradwell. They don't make it too far.
  • Bradwell tells Fignan to go get help while him and Pressia huddle under a tree for warmth.
  • She whispers that "itchy knee" thing we saw earlier because that's all she can think about. Then Bradwell responds, "Sun, she go?"
  • Don't you just love when people finish your sentences?