Tears of a Tiger Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I coulda controlled the drinkin'. I knew better. We all did. We just never figured it would happen to us." (7.27)

Andy admits to his coach that he messed up. He shouldn't have gotten behind the wheel, but it didn't seem like a big deal at the time—he thought he was above anything bad happening.

Quote #8

With a five-dollar bill, Andy and the guys bought a six-pack of beer. They ended up buying five dollars worth of death. It seems like all a five spot can do is buy trouble, so I'd get rid of five-dollar bills. (9.4)

Gerald's essay about what he would change in the world emphasizes the importance of beer in the accident. Without it, Robbie would still be alive and Andy wouldn't feel so depressed and guilty, so he wishes he could take it away from the world.

Quote #9

"That night, it seemed like a mountain. And the longer I stood there, the more I became like— sorta hypnotized by the slick whistlin' of the cars as they rushed beneath us. And I wanted to jump." (20.22)

When Andy sees the wall they crashed into and it's only four-feet tall, Andy's shocked. He thought it was huge. The fact is that alcohol impairs judgment, so he can't trust anything he saw the night of the accident; his memory is very different from the reality of that evening.