Bullyville Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It made me feel in control, grown-up. Manly. I thought that keeping my mouth shut was what Dad would have wanted. (3.12)

Bart thinks it's manly to repress his emotions. Unfortunately, this strategy doesn't work out for him in the long term.

Quote #5

Dr. Bratton sipped his coffee. All his gestures had a kind of delicate, chirpy grace that I couldn't quite put together with the headmaster of a school for many bullies and future masters of the universe. (3.23)

Bart seems to have some pretty entrenched ideas about masculinity. Must be all those soap operas he watches…

Quote #6

"I think the guy's about ten minutes away from being busted for downloading kiddie porn." (3.58)

Since Dr. Bratton hasn't passed Bart's manly man test, Bart seems to think he's a pedophile. Because that makes sense. Ugh.