Child 44 Chapter 44 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Same Day

  • We're taken back to the day that Leo—then known as Pavel—hunted a cat with his brother Andrei. Though we already saw young Pavel get kidnapped by an older man, we now learn that the older man was actually Leo's father.
  • The man brings Pavel to his home and introduces him to his wife—Leo's mom. Pavel has amnesia and can't remember where he came from.
  • The man explains that they captured Pavel to feed him to their son Leo (there's a massive famine going on in this region of the Soviet Union), but the boy had died before he got back. The man says that Pavel is "free to go," but Pavel decides to stay (4.44.25).
  • The couple feed Pavel soup that almost surely contains chunks of the child formerly known Leo. Not knowing his own past, Pavel decides that he will become the new Leo.