Chime Friendship and Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He reached through the window, his beautiful hand, his five beautiful fingers outspread. If I were a poet, I'd write about hands, nothing but hands. I touched the whorled petals of my fingertips to his, our hand made the roof of a house. (17.2)

By observing his hands and calling them beautiful, Briony shows her hand (no poker face for this love bird). She goes on to talk about poetry and touching her fingertips to his, tell tale signs of falling in love.

Quote #5

I thought of offering him my wrist. It needed to be cradled and rocked and lullabied. I turned, but my cheek got in the way of his lips. He melted his lips into my skin. Not a kiss, a melt. I could allow a melt. That wasn't what Cecil tried to do. (21.42)

Though it might be a bit babyish, this desire to have Eldric literally baby her comes from a need for a nurturing type of love. When thinking about needing this type of love from him, Briony receives a kiss that is different from Cecil's because it is more gentle and loving than lustful.

Quote #6

Funny how I'd started off feeling so comfortable with Eldric last spring, but that now prickly little pauses kept growing between us. (25.89)

As Briony's feelings change from comfort and friendship to love and romance, her interactions with Eldric start to become more awkward. It's classic teen rom com material.