Chime Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The clever Briony knows that when she enters the swamp, people die. The clever Briony intended that Rose contract the swamp cough. She has always been jealous of Rose. This to her is the third strand of Hell. (9.103-104)

When Briony fails to save her sister (actually putting her in harm's way instead), she convinces herself that she did it on purpose out of jealousy. She seems convinced that this is true, but also describes it as "the third strand of Hell," leaving us to wonder why Briony would do something that causes her so much pain.

Quote #5

But she didn't breakfast with Eldric every morning, as I did. She didn't laugh with him as they expanded their bad boy Latin vocabulary. She didn't have boxing lessons with him, and surely, he never admired her fist. Did he? (14.69)

As she begins to have feelings toward Eldric (whether they are friendship or love feelings remains to be decided) Briony also begins to notice the attention he gives to Leanne. She tells herself things like this to lessen her feelings of jealousy.

Quote #6

There are no preconditions for jealousy. You don't have to be right, you don't have to be reasonable. (16.145)

When she notes that you don't have to be right or reasonable, Briony is admitting that her jealousy toward Leanne and Eldric may not be either. She goes on to compare the situation to Othello, suggesting that though she isn't right or reasonable, she wouldn't mind seeing Leanne dead.