Chime Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

This was the wrong thing to say. It was provocative. It made Cecil lean in still farther and say, "Do you," with a most unpleasant inflection on the do. (16.90)

Cecil clearly feels lustful feelings toward Briony, and when she unintentionally flirts with him, he continues to flirt. Bummer for Cecil, though, she's just not into him.

Quote #5

"Don't touch my daughter!" Father's scratch-lips ripped apart. (18.16)

Worried that the two teens have given in to their desires, Briony's father overreacts to their so-far innocent relationship. Though there is potential for attraction between Briony and Eldric, their friendship is so tame at this point that they are both surprised and offended at the accusation. Well, Briony is mostly not paying attention but Eldric is offended for the both of them.

Quote #6

His hands crunched into my wrists. Too hard! His lips pressed into my lips. Too hard! My lips pressed against my teeth. His man's weight pressed against my girl froth; his chest crumpled my girl-lungs. (21.24)

Cecil gets out of hand, and pushes himself on Briony even though she's not interested. Lust isn't always a good thing, and in the wrong person, it can get downright dangerous.