Entwined Chapter 9 Summary

  • The girls mend their worn-out slippers during lessons the next day, and they dance again the next evening.
  • Azalea demonstrates a special curtsy, the Soul's Curtsy, for the younger girls—you're only supposed to do it for your husband or for royalty. Of course one of her sisters reminds Azalea that for her husbands and royalty are pretty much the same thing: as firstborn princess, she's stuck marrying for the sake of the throne. Ick.
  • The girls are frequently late for breakfast because they're up so late, but the next time they're dancing and Azalea wants to check the time, she can't find Lord Bradford's watch. Uh oh…
  • Turns out Keeper found it and is holding it. He asks if it belongs to Azalea's gentleman, and when she says that the owner is not her gentleman, Keeper returns the watch, touching her hand sensually.
  • The next day the girls read the newspaper, hoping for news of the war. A gossip column mentions a Delchastrian gentleman, Lord Haftenravenscher, as a potential match for Azalea. Ugh.
  • Azalea also looks for news of Lord Bradford in the paper, since he's away at war too. She wonders why Keeper thought Lord Bradford's watch belonged to her gentleman…