Entwined Theme of Family

In a book based on the fairy tale of the twelve dancing princesses, you'd expect family to fit in there somewhere, and you'd be right. The royal family has its quirks, sure (Mom is dead, Dad is super uptight, the girls are a touch rebellious), but their ability to come together as a family is what helps them triumph over the evil High King D'Eathe in the end.

In case that sounded a little sappy, we don't want you to get the impression that it's a rose-paved candy-cane road getting there. Azalea and her father are constantly locked in a battle of wills in Entwined, while Azalea also feels compelled to protect her younger sisters at any cost. There are a lot of strong personalities in this family, and so it's almost a wonder that they don't end up at each other's throats more often.

But that's every family to a degree, right? Any blending of individuals stuck together by blood or choice is going to have some disagreements. If not, they're probably robots.

Questions About Family

  1. Why does Azalea say that her father is no longer part of the family?
  2. Do you think Azalea is too protective of her younger sisters? Why or why not?
  3. How does the King's behavior toward his daughters change over time?
  4. Do you see any typical oldest sibling behaviors in Azalea? If so, which ones?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Azalea's mother was the linchpin that held the family together.

Between Azalea's temper and the King's love for rules, they're bound to come into conflict.