Entwined Themes

Entwined Themes

Rules and Order

There are a ton of rules in Azalea's world, between the fact that she's royalty and the fact that her father's a bit of a control freak. Even the way their family's run has rules, like what time to...


In a book based on the fairy tale of the twelve dancing princesses, you'd expect family to fit in there somewhere, and you'd be right. The royal family has its quirks, sure (Mom is dead, Dad is sup...

Freedom and Confinement

There are so many ways that freedom and confinement pop up in Entwined: the girls are confined to the palace for mourning, Keeper is confined to the pavilion through magic, Azalea's not free to mar...


As the eldest princess in the royal family, Azalea spends a lot of time in Entwined thinking about marriage—after all, whomever she marries will be the future king of Eathesbury. Azalea hopes tha...

The Supernatural

Entwined would be a much duller book if there weren't a magic passage in the palace for the girls to discover and an undead oath-bound High King for them to meet. But the importance of magic goes m...


Duty comes in many shapes and sizes in Entwined. As the eldest child in the royal family, Azalea is all too familiar with duty: she's obligated to marry someone who'll be a good king, she must beha...

Lies and Deceit

There's a lot of—shall we say—bending the truth in Entwined. Azalea and her sisters deliberately keep their dancing a secret from their father as long as they're able to, and Keeper keeps a lot...


One of the main reasons the girls get into trouble with Keeper and his quest for revenge in the first place is that they're forbidden to dance, or really do anything that helps them grow and thrive...