Entwined Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The baby was the tiniest Azalea had ever seen—and she had seen quite a few, now the eldest of twelve. (3.28)

Azalea is a member of a really large family, and has eleven younger sisters—she's probably an expert in the care and feeding of younger sisters by now.

Quote #2

"Oh, the King," Azalea spat. The words burned, singeing the air. "What right has he to know? The King is not a part of this family!" (6.45)

Those are some pretty harsh words, Azalea. But they reflect how she feels after the King leaves for war without even saying goodbye to his daughters. And, stuck at the palace without any way to dance, the girls begin to hate him for imposing mourning on them and not even being around to help them through it.

Quote #3

"If you were born after your sisters, it would be one of them faced with such a duty. And, from what I have seen of you, Princess Azalea, you would do anything to keep them from unhappiness." (9.42)

Keeper says this to Azalea when she's thinking about how her life might be different if she weren't the firstborn, and thus obligated to marry someone who has the potential to be a good future king. And… it's true. Azalea does care a lot for her sisters, and she would be willing to accept burdens in life in order to keep them from suffering. That's what family members do for each other, right?