Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nick pulled a safety pin out of his jeans and pricked his finger. He used the blood to draw a small symbol on the baby's forehead and another over his heart. "We try again," he whispered, and closed his eyes. (13.63)

You kind of have to feel badly for Sam during this flashback to his infancy. First his mom does a weird ritual with some herbs to determine whether he's a necromancer, and then he has to go through the blood ceremony of binding not once, but twice. He's only a baby and his life is already super complicated.

Quote #8

I'd learned a lot since yesterday, but I felt no closer to understanding what I needed to do. I'd run out of ideas. I couldn't join up with Douglas. Besides being morally sketchy, it was suicide. Running wasn't much of an option. He'd either find me and kill me, kill someone else if he couldn't find me, or do some as yet undiscovered, horrible third option. And even though I knew now why my powers were bound, that didn't change the fact that they were bound. (15.11)

After learning the truth about his past, Sam realizes that Douglas really is a formidable and dangerous adversary. No matter how much he wants to avoid the whole situation, he can't open a single door without running smack into him. It seems Sam is fated to have a confrontation with Douglas that will either kill him or allow him to prove his powers.

Quote #9

"I get all his stuff?" I said slowly. "Including his house?" The house I'd been trapped in for days. A chill went down my spine as I thought about it. I had no desire to set foot in it ever again.

"Yes." The lawyer handed me a pen. "And a temporary council seat until you can be voted in properly or until we can find a more suitable candidate." (30.83-84)

If Sam had any hopes of going to back to his regular life at Plumpy's after killing Douglas, they've just been shattered. Being a necromancer has always been such a total part of who he is that it's inescapable. Even if he has no personal desire to go back to Douglas's creepy house.