Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

At first she saw nothing. Perhaps she'd done the spell wrong? But then she felt it, that whisper of arctic chill. The cold died for a second, replaced by the green smells of early spring, the taste of sunshine and growing things. But the cold came back a second later.

He would take after his uncle. (12.97-98)

Doing a bizarre spell isn't exactly the most comfortable way to foretell your child's future, but at least it seems to give concrete, reliable answers to a discomforted Tia. In terms of knowing your kid's destiny, being a witch probably comes with some useful territory.

Quote #5

"He's going to be in danger his whole life. Even if he was normal, you'd feel this way. Your baby's just going to have… more specific problems, that's all." (13.19)

It can't be comfortable for Tia to know that young Sam faces a life of dodging Douglas and hiding from his gift. But in a way, Nick's right. Don't all parents fear for what the future holds for their children?

Quote #6

"I was hoping his power would feel like a trickle. But it feels like a river. A big, icy river, and he's just a baby." He kissed Sam's knuckles. "No, you're right. He needs to be hidden, and now." (13.57)

Even as an infant, Sam's incredible powers of necromancy are more than evident and more than enough to give Nick and Tia pause. Clearly, he's an extraordinary child destined to grow up to have an extraordinary gift.