Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Every necromancer has his own slant on things. Some parts of the ritual can't, or shouldn't, be skipped. For safety reasons, you should always do the circle. It doesn't have to be invoked with blood, but that does make for a very strong circle. Your own will should be enough." (21.21)

Ashley's explanation of the necromancy process emphasizes something that Douglas's doesn't: that Sam possesses the will to raise the dead, which trumps all skill or use of bodily fluids. Of course, this is what he's finally able to tap into when the binding is removed.

Quote #8

I sucked in a breath, my spine going rigid with the force of it. This is what closing my first circle had felt like. Times a thousands. Every cell in my body took a shuddering gasp. The dam inside me had broken and all my power came rushing out. Years of unused, untouched potential, all at once. (23.13)

Up until this point, Sam kind of thinks he stinks at this necromancy thing. The removal of his binding definitely takes things to a whole new level for him—and inspires Douglas's desire to see him dead.

Quote #9

"I'm afraid, from what Ed was telling me, that it does make sense […] I think he was okay with having you around as long as you weren't a threat […] But once you raised Ed […] I don't think you understand what you did with that." (25.26)

It's interesting that there are different levels of power when it comes to necromancy, as well as different levels of entities. With Ed, Sam proves his ability and lays any doubt about it to rest once and for all.