Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Brannoc let go of her shoulders and brushed her hair out of her face. "You aren't taoiseach yet. That wonderful responsibility still lies with me. Worry about that when the day comes." (6.49)

Bridin is basically werewolf royalty, as she's in training for the day when she will eventually succeed her father as taoiseach, or pack leader. The relationship between the two of them as she prepares for this role provides interesting insight into Bridin's driven, perfectionistic nature—as well as her dad's softer side.

Quote #5

Some people found Council meetings to be tedious. Douglas never had, but of course, he held the gavel, metaphorically speaking. He did not, however, sit at the center of the crescent. He preferred to sit at the end of the table, where he could keep an eye on everyone present. (7.20)

Chapter 7, where we get an inside look into how the famed Council actually functions, gives us a clear picture of the paranormal underworld's organization. It also lets us into the frightening location of inside Douglas's head as he conducts the meeting according to tradition on the surface, while secretly plotting to increase his power.

Quote #6

Although it was normal for pack members to go days without seeing one another, they generally checked in with the Alpha, especially if they were deviating from any regular schedule. Unless you were rogue, you checked in. Brid especially, but her father would cut her some slack, shrugging the lack of communication off on her busy class schedule. (10.32)

Not surprisingly, the werewolf community definitely follows a pack mentality. Bridin's thoughts as she's held captive in Douglas's basement reveal a lot about the close relationships within her pack, as well as the autonomy that coexists with it.