Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The whip-crack of pain across my already injured back made my whole body seize up. It didn't bring me to my knees. I'd been on those. Now I was on my hands and knees trying to breathe past the pain. Either Douglas was tired of the visceral thrill involved in beating me bare-handed or his hands were getting sore from smacking me around. (23.1)

We already know that Douglas considers violence to be a useful tool of manipulation, but it actually seems like he's sort of enjoying beating the snot out of Sam as he tries to force his power out of him. There's no way around it, folks—this guy's pretty sadistic.

Quote #8

He came at me with the knife, slicing into the still-bound arm. I gritted my teeth, but the scream came anyway. A long thin line of red erupted along my arm, right above the blue of my vein. He caught my blood in a bowl that was way too big for my liking. Big bowls meant more blood, and Douglas was the greedy type. (27.2)

Giant bowls of blood? If you have somehow managed to go this whole book without being totally grossed out, this detail just might be the one that breaks you. Nobody likes having blood drawn for medical reasons, so having your arm sliced open so someone can put it in a huge bowl is just… shudder.

Quote #9

He jerked away from me, pulling the knife free from his neck. Blood fountained, spraying me in the face. I must have hit an artery. His blood struck my tongue—a viscous, heavy saltiness. My heart shuddered. No, not my heart. Douglas's heart. (29.8)

Let's face it: There's no getting around describing Douglas's death without using graphic imagery. And as graphic imagery goes, this is pretty sick. Douglas's blood goes in his mouth. Ugh. Not only is that all kinds of unsanitary, but the description of the "viscous, heavy saltiness" almost makes us able to taste it. No thank you.