Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Long, bloody furrows went from my shoulders to the bottom of my rib cage, like I'd been pawed by a giant cat. I'm sure all the blood, dirt, and bruises made it look worse than it actually was. Or, at least, that's what I was hoping. (4.31)

Regardless of how bad it really is, the grotesque appearance of Sam's back gives a grisly picture of the aftermath of Michael's attack. The phrase "long, bloody furrows" alone is enough to make us feel Sam's pain.

Quote #5

Frank managed a quick hop as Brooke's head rolled to a stop in the middle of the floor. It had been severed cleanly at the neck, making her ponytail appear longer as it trailed behind like the trail on a grotesque comet. I couldn't see any blood. In fact, the wound looked cauterized, which didn't make it any more pleasant. (4.87)

Everyone loves getting packages in the mail, unless they contain your dead best friend's head. Then things get a little less festive. Especially when it rolls across your kitchen floor and starts yelling at you.

Quote #6

The spirits poured into me, hands grabbing, slicing, hurting. The pain drove me screaming to my knees. I dropped Brid's hand on the way down. I shut my eyes and tried to curl up into a ball. All I know if that when Douglas finally called them off and the pain stopped, I couldn't get up. (19.170)

As if getting attacked by Michael wasn't bad enough, Sam has to endure violence at the hands of dozens of angry spirits Douglas summons for the purpose of torturing him. We weren't aware that ghosts have the ability to slice into your body, but apparently, they do.