Pamela Chapter 44 Summary

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

  • Pamela has managed to get a packet of her writings to Mr. Williams, ostensibly during one of his recent visits. Pamela sees that Mrs. Jewkes is watching her closely, so she and Mr. Williams agree to stop using their hiding place for three days.
  • In other news, Pamela says one of the maids has had an accident involving a bull on the property, which worries Pamela because she will have to cross the animal's pasture as part of her current escape plan.
  • Mr. Williams has gotten her the key to the gate, as promised.
  • During a visit, Mr. Williams told Pamela that the gentleman whose living he was supposed to take over has died.
  • (A "living" is basically a job: the guy who died was the rector at a church on Mr. B's property, which means that the tithes and rents from the church support him. The plan is that now Mr. Williams is going to take over.)
  • After Mr. Williams left, Mrs. Jewkes made some "first comes love, then comes marriage" jokes about Pamela and Mr. Williams, which Pamela found distasteful.
  • But guess what's in Mr. Williams's letter??
  • A proposal of marriage.
  • Obviously Pamela jumps at this, right? Nice man, good job, escape from Mr B …
  • But no. Hm. It's starting to get a little suspicious.