Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Scene 5 Summary

  • General Grievous orders his minions to prepare for attack.
  • The ship takes pretty heavy fire and starts going down. (Does that really happen in space? Is there enough gravity?)
  • Palpatine and Anakin (carrying Obi-Wan over his shoulder) run through the elevator shaft. When the ship is righted, Obi-Wan finally wakes up.
  • The three of them make a narrow escape from the elevator shaft, only to be trapped in a bubble of ray shields.
  • They are counting on R2-D2 to save them, but when he enters the scene, he's closely pursued by security droids.
  • They are all taken to the command deck, where Grievous does the bad guy thing and taunts them.
  • R2-D2 provides a quick distraction in order for Obi-Wan and Anakin to retrieve their lightsabers and start kicking some droid butt. (Do droids have butts? Remind us to ask George Lucas.)
  • They battle the underlings until they get to General Grievous, who manages to escape and launch all of the escape pods.
  • The Jedi are stuck trying to land the crashing/exploding ship.
  • They manage to enter the planet's atmosphere at the exact location of a landing strip. How convenient.
  • They land. It's not pretty, but it gives us ample adorable R2-D2 shrieks.