Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. George Lucas is known for his gleeful adoption of technological advances in special effects. How would Revenge of the Sith have been different if it had been shot when Episodes IV-VI were made?
  2. What actually killed Padmé?
  3. Do Jedi get to pick what color their lightsaber is? What color would your lightsaber be?
  4. Would Darth Vader still be Darth Vader without John Williams' "The Imperial March"?
  5. There's a dark side and a light side … but could there be such a thing as a "gray side" among the Jedi? Can there be any moral ambiguity? Why or why not?
  6. So, every Sith Lord has an evil-sounding Sith name. Darth Sidious (insidious). Darth Tyranus (tyranny). Darth Plagueis (plague). And then, we get Darth Vader (father). Does this mean that Darth Vader's evil comes from being a father?