The Alchemist Act 2, Scene 2 Summary

  • Face comes out in his new disguise as a dude named "Lungs"—a.k.a., the guy who works the furnace and assists Subtle in their so-called alchemy lab.
  • Lungs/Face promises Mammon that the stone has turned red, which means the alchemical process is almost finished. He also promises that they're only three hours away from something called "projection." (That's the part of the alchemy process that supposedly produces the elixir.)
  • Mammon can hardly contain himself and starts telling a bunch of outrageous stories about what he's going to do when he's got the stone and the elixir.
  • (Basically, he thinks he'll be the sexiest man on the planet, will be able to have sex fifty times a night and will live in a house with a boatload of women, money, power, and admirers.)
  • It's quite a to-do list.