The Alchemist Act 5, Scene 3 Summary

  • Outside of Lovewit's house, Surly gives Mammon a hard time for being such a chump.
  • Jeremy the Butler answers the door. They don't recognize him as "Face."
  • Mammon and Surly demand to be allowed in the house but Lovewit comes to the door and tells them to get lost.
  • Mammon and Surly run off to get the cops.
  • Then Kastril, Ananias, and Tribulation Wholesome show up.
  • Jeremy/Face manages to keep them from busting into the house but then, out of nowhere, Dapper cries out for help.
  • Oops. Looks like Jeremy/Face forgot that he locked Dapper in the bathroom. Apparently, Dapper couldn't stand the stench any longer and chewed through his gingerbread gag.
  • Now Lovewit demands that his butler fess up and tell the truth about what's been going down at the house.
  • Jeremy/Face says he'll confess everything and help Lovewit marry a rich, young widow…but only if he promises not to punish him.
  • Lovewit agrees and sends everyone away while he and Jeremy/Face go inside.