The Alchemist Act 4, Scene 7 Summary

  • Face runs back into the room with Kastril and tells the kid that now's his big chance to show off his ferocious trash-talking skills by running Surly out of the house.
  • Kastril orders Surly to scram and then orders his sister out of the room.
  • Surly tries to defend himself and tells Kastril the truth about Subtle and Face's con.
  • But then Drugger shows up and starts accusing Surly of owing him a bunch of money for some tobacco and "lotium" that he bought at the store. (Lotium is stale urine that was used as a sort of hair gel back in the day. Yum.)
  • To make things worse, Ananias shows up and starts accusing Surly of being Satan's helper because he's wearing Spanish duds.
  • Ananias goes on a lengthy anti-Catholic tirade.
  • Surly leaves with his tail between his legs.
  • But now Face wants to get Kastril out of the way so, he sends the kid off to harass Surly some more.
  • Just as Subtle and Face are trying to figure out what the heck they're going to do about Dame Pliant, Doll runs in and tells everyone that Master Lovewit's back in town.
  • (Remember, Lovewit's the owner of the house and has left his servant, Face, in charge of keeping things in order.)
  • Now we find out that "Face" isn't even the guy's real name. He's actually "Jeremy the Butler."
  • So, Jeremy the Butler declares that he's got to shave his beard off and get back into his butler clothes.
  • Meanwhile, he thinks they should pack up all the loot they got from Mammon and stash it in the basement.
  • Jeremy the Butler/Face tells Doll and Subtle to hightail it out of town and promises to meet them later in Ratcliff, where they can divvy up all their loot.