The Alchemist Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Ben Jonson wrote a poem in honor of Will Shakespeare's memory. (You've probably heard one of the most famous lines from the piece: "He was not of an age, but for all time!") You can read the whole thing here. (Source)

After getting tossed in the slammer for killing a fellow actor during a duel, Jonson was officially labeled a "felon." The only reason Jonson didn't get hanged is because he claimed something called "benefit of clergy," which basically means he got off because of his education. (Source)

Jonson was arrested for participating in a play that bagged on Queen Elizabeth I's court. Oops. (Source)

Before he turned to writing, Jonson was a bricklaying apprentice and worked for his stepdad. At one point, he was also a soldier. (Source)

Shakespeare starred in one of Jonson's play, Every Man in His Humour (c. 1598). (Source)