The Alchemist Act 2, Scene 6 Summary

  • Abel Drugger comes back to the house to see Subtle, who pretends to read his horoscope.
  • Drugger's so psyched by the good news that he tells Subtle about a friend of his—a rich young widow (Dame Pliant) who wants to "know her fortune."
  • Subtle and Face think that Drugger should absolutely bring his hot young friend over.
  • We find out that Dame Pliant's brother (a country gentleman named Kastril) has come to London so he can "learn to quarrel and live by his wits." (Read: the guy wants to learn how to insult people because he thinks it will make him one of the cool kids.)
  • Kastril also wants to make sure his sister marries an aristocrat.
  • Face tells Drugger that Subtle just so happens to be the master of witty quips, so he should bring Kastril back with him.
  • Drugger leaves.
  • Face and Subtle are super-excited about meeting the rich young widow. They agree to draw straws to see which one will get to marry her.