The Alchemist Act 3, Scene 3 Summary

  • Face rushes to the house and is all pumped up. He says that even though he never met up with Surly, he did happen to meet a noble Spanish Count he thinks they can con because he's totally into prostitutes.
  • Apparently, the dude's coming to the house later for a steamy hook-up with Doll. The plan is for her to wear the guy out in bed…so that he'll be so tired that he'll do whatever she asks of him. (Read: give her a bunch of money.)
  • There's a knock at the door. It's Dapper, who's come to meet the Queen of the Fairies.
  • Doll runs off to slip into a Fairy Queen disguise.
  • Face looks out the window and sees that Abel Drugger and Kastril (the young dude who wants to learn to insult people and marry his widowed sister to an aristocrat) on their way to the house.