The Alchemist Act 5, Scene 4 Summary

  • Back in the house, Subtle and Jeremy/Face try to figure out what to do with Dapper, who still believes in the Fairy Queen and is worried that she'll be angry with him.
  • Doll puts on her Fairy Queen get-up and enters the room. She strokes Dapper's head and gives him a bird and tells him it's the familiar spirit he wanted to help him win at gambling.
  • They mess with Dapper's head some more and finally send the poor guy on his way.
  • Jeremy/Face leaves the room for a minute and we find out that Subtle and Doll are planning to ditch out on him with all the money, leaving him high and dry.
  • Jeremy/Face figures it out soon enough and makes up a story about how the cops are on their way to the house to arrest everyone…so Doll and Subtle should hightail it out of there.
  • He also tells them they'll have to jump over the back wall and leave all their loot behind unless they want to end up in the slammer.
  • Doll and Subtle know they're being conned. They curse Jeremy/Face and Doll adds that she wishes she had time to beat him up.