This Boy's Life Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I did an imitation of somebody receiving divine reassurance and inspiration." (3.10)

Interesting—he's doing this without anyone watching. That suggests that Jack is deceiving himself. Or maybe God, who is probably pretty hard to deceive. Does he want to try to change his reality by doing this?

Quote #5

"I burned the envelope and note in the sink and washed the ashes down the drain." (3.18)

Deceit is more than just lying to people. Here, it's hiding something… and from his mom, who he really seems to love as well. What does it mean that he seems to do this compulsively, almost before he's aware of it?

Quote #6

"Those words still sound to me less like a hope than an epitaph, the last lie we tell before hurling ourselves over the brink." (11.34)

Mom's talking about getting married to Dwight here and how it's all going to be okay. She's lying and he's believing the lie for her sake, a dynamic that shows up a lot in Jack's story.