This Boy's Life Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around This Boy's Life? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Jack get frustrated when he's drawing beads on people with his Winchester?

They're not afraid of him.
He doesn't have the courage to pull the trigger.
He can't take it back if he shoots.
The gun isn't accurate enough.
Q. How does Dwight pay for Champion?

He wins prize money for sharpshooting.
He sells Jack's Winchester
He steals it from the cash register at work.
He makes Jack work extra at his paper route.
Q. Why doesn't Jack's mom believe in discipline?

She thinks Jack is too sweet.
She's afraid of Jack hitting back.
She thinks it's Dwight's job.
She was abused when she was a girl.
Q. Jack doesn't make Eagle Scout because:

It's not all that important to him.
He has one merit badge left to finish.
Dwight won't send in the paperwork.
Jack wants to irritate Dwight.
Q. Dwight gets excited about Jack's activities when:

Jack shoots a deer.
Jack has a boxing match with Arthur.
Jack gets into Hill school.
Jack agrees to do whatever Dwight says.