Walk Two Moons Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

At first my father did not argue with me. He let me behave like a wild boar. (18.23)

Why do you think Sal's dad let her behave like a "wild boar"?

Quote #8

When I told my story of Phoebe to Gram and Gramps, I mentioned none of this. They knew it already. They knew my father was a good man, they knew I did not want to leave the farm, they knew my father felt we had to leave. They also knew that my father had tried, many times to explain to me about Margaret, but that I wouldn't hear it. (18.25)

It's amazing how much Sal doesn't have to tell or explain to her grandparents. It's amazing how much they already know, simply by using their intuition. It's so awesome that Gram and Gramps don't force Sal to tell them how she is feeling and doing. Instead, they are content to hear her tell Phoebe's story. It's as if they know that in telling Phoebe's story, she is also kind of telling her own. These are pretty much the best grandparents ever.

Quote #9

I apologized for being ornery and for upsetting him. He put his arm around me and we sat there together on the porch, two people being completely pitiful and lost. (22.79)

You know what we notice here? The fact that Sal describes herself and her father as being "two people" rather than "a father and a daughter" or "a family." It seems like she and her dad are equals in many ways, and they are both struggling equally hard to move on without Chanhassen Hiddle.