Sarah, Plain and Tall Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Papa might not have told us about Sarah that night if Caleb hadn't asked him the question. After the dishes were cleared and washed and Papa was filling the tin pail with ashes, Caleb spoke up. (1.35)

Jacob might not have planned to tell the kids about his newspaper ad so early on, but when he hears how much they long for a mother, he has to give them some grain of hope. So he tells them about Sarah.

Quote #2

"Sarah has said she will come for a month's time if we wish her to," he said, his voice loud in the dark barn. "To see how it is. Just to see." (2.17)

Although Sarah is only coming to the Midwest for a test run, the kids are still beyond excited and filled with expectation. They really want her to fall in love with their family and stay forever and ever.

Quote #3

"I think," he began. Then, "I think," he said slowly, "that it would be good—to say yes," he finished in a rush.

Papa looked at me.

"I say yes," I told him, grinning.

"Yes," said Papa. "Then yes it is." (2.19-22)

Jacob lets the children decide if Sarah can come visit because he wants them to have a say in his new wife—this way they don't feel like all of this change has just been dropped on them without warning.