Sarah, Plain and Tall Theme of Family

In Sarah, Plain and Tall, the Wittings are desperately looking for someone to fill a hole in their family—and they're hoping that a woman named Sarah Wheaton will be the one to make them complete. Jacob Witting has placed an ad for a mail order bride, and his children, Anna and Caleb, look forward to the presence of a mother figure in their lives. So when Sarah, a woman who responds to Jacob's ad, agrees to come for a visit to see how she likes life with the Wittings, everyone is nervous and deeply invested. After all, there's nothing more serious than the task of building a family, and that's exactly what the Wittings and Sarah are trying to do.

Questions About Family

  1. Do you think Anna and Caleb both miss their birth mother? Are there any differences in their feelings about their birth mom? If so, how does this affect them?
  2. Why hasn't Jacob remarried before now?
  3. How does Sarah fit into the Witting family? Give examples from the book to support your answer.
  4. Do you think Anna and Caleb see Sarah as a mother? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Although Caleb's never known what it's like to have a mother, he still feels that absence in his life and wants his father to remarry again.

Sarah comes to visit the Witting family as a complete stranger, but by the end of the book she's an integral part of the family.