Sarah, Plain and Tall Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You are loud and pesky," I told him. But I was worried, too. Sarah loved the sea. I could tell. Maybe she wouldn't leave there after all to come where there were fields and grass and sky and not much else. (2.6)

Caleb and Anna are already worried about Sarah leaving before she even gets to their home. They obviously both have a lot riding on her arrival—and the possibility that they'll have a mother again.

Quote #2

"What if she comes and doesn't like our house?" Caleb asked. "I told her it was small. Maybe I shouldn't have told her it was small."

"Hush, Caleb. Hush." (2.7-8)

Anna struggles to provide a voice of reason for Caleb and assure him that everything will be all right because she's scared, too. She doesn't like the idea of Sarah deciding not to stay either.

Quote #3

In a month's time the preacher might come to marry Sarah and Papa. And a month was a long time. Time enough for her to change her mind and leave us. (3.45)

Although there's the possibility for great happiness at the end of this journey—in the form of a big prairie wedding—Anna and Caleb are more focused on their anxieties about Sarah leaving.