Sarah, Plain and Tall Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Maybe," he said, his voice low, "if you remember the songs, then I might remember her, too."

My eyes widened and tears came. Then the door opened and wind blew in with Papa, and I went to stir the stew. (1.28-29)

Caleb so desperately wants to remember his mother—who died right after he was born—that it breaks Anna's heart. She knows that his dream of excavating his own memories of his mother will never come true.

Quote #2

"No," said Papa slowly. "Not a housekeeper." He paused. "A wife."

Caleb stared at Papa. "A wife? You mean a mother?"

Nick slid his face onto Papa's lap and Papa stroked his ears.

"That, too," said Papa. (1.43-46)

While Jacob hopes to find himself a new wife, the children are more focused on what that means for them: They'll potentially get a new mother, one who can take care of them and keep them company during the day.

Quote #3

Caleb read and read the letter so many times that the ink began to run and the folds tore. He read the book about sea birds over and over.

"Do you think she'll come?" asked Caleb. "And will she stay? What if she thinks we are loud and pesky?" (2.4-5)

When Caleb starts writing back and forth with Sarah, he's completely smitten. He loves the book of sea birds that she sends, and he hopes that she'll choose to marry their father—even though he's never met her.